Focus on Kingsley

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Academy at Unity College

by admin on 11 January, 2009

Andrew Simpson and Richard Church attended a meeting for parents and residents about plans to turn Unity College into an academy. This means the school would close as a Church of England Secondary School funded through the County Council and re-open as a Church of England Academy.

There was strong opposition to the plan from the parents present who spoke in support of the existing head teacher, who has been in post for less than a year, but would be replaced under this proposal. Their were also concerns (voiced by both Andrew and Richard) that the proposal would weaken the schools links with the local community , and that it was being proposed only to tackle a large defecit in the schools budget.

The academy proposal is being promoted by the Councty Council, together with Moulton College and Bishops Stopford school (a Church of England school in Kettering). A consultation leaflet can be found on the County Council website at and the sponsors website and you can respond to

Parents who are opposed to the academy move have their own website at

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